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Bowdoinham Community School

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School History

Bowdoinham Community School first opened its doors to fifth through eighth graders in 1955 with four classrooms. Twice the school has expanded its footprint to meet the growing needs of the community. The 3-5 wing and gymnasium were added in 1976, and the K-2 wing, named after longtime principal, Paul Burns, in 1992.

Bowdoinham Community School currently serves approximately 170 students in grades K-5, with a staff of thirty-six employees and many dedicated volunteers.

“Community” is in the title for a reason. There is a lot of activity that extends beyond the typical school day. Scouts, recreational sports and walking the indoor route are just some of the events you could find going on after hours. Another exciting community connection is the Arts Alive grades 3-5 electives program, which brings talented artists throughout the town into the schools to enhance the students’ educational experiences.